Cancel Order/Subscription

To cancel your order or subscription with Senior Covid Tests, please fill out the secure form below, or give us a call at (630) 381-6630. Please note, we cannot cancel orders that have already been shipped.  You can reject the shipment by returning to sender and we will automatically cancel any and all pending orders and subscriptions upon receipt.

VERY IMPORTANT: We cannot cancel orders placed with other organizations. We can only cancel orders placed on this website. Before submitting this form, please verify that you have ordered from Senior Covid Tests. Our website is Senior Covid Tests (Century Clinics) 

Order subscriptions are OPT-IN only and require explicit consent to activate.  We will NEVER automatically sign you up for subscriptions or send out test kits without your approval.  If we have done so in error, please call (630) 381-6630 or contact us and we will rectify the matter as soon as possible.

Providing your order number will speed up the cancellation process. If you don't know it, leave this field blank.
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